- Abd-Allah - Innovation and Creativity in Islam
- Abd-Allah - Islam and the Cultural Imperative
- Abd-Allah - Living Islam with Purpose
- Abd-Allah - Mercy
- Abd-Allah - One God Many Names
- Abd-Allah - Seek Knowledge in China
- Adler - Juggling on a high wire - Multitasking effects on performance
- Afroz - From Moors to Marronage - The Islamic Heritage of the Maroons in Jamaica
- After Virtue - Chapter Summary
- Agnew - Leisure and Delinquency
- Ahmed - Mapping Scholar Bukhara
- Ajetunmobi - A Critical Study of Mukhtasar Khalil
- Al-Akoub - Izutsu's Study of the Qur'an from an Arab Perspective
- al-Faruqi - Music Musicians and Muslim Law
- al-Fawzan - Ruling on Mawlid
- al-Hanbali - Refutation of Universalism
- al-Harithy - Architectural Form and Meaning in Light of Al Jurjani's Literary Theory
- Albayrak - Reception of Toshihiko Izutsu's Qur'anic Studies in the Muslim World
- Algar - Some Notes on the Naqshbandi Tariqat in Bosnia
- Algar - The Hamzeviye A Deviant Movement in Bosnian Sufism
- Ali - The Challenge of Dawa: Political Islam as Ideology and Movement and How to Counter It
- Almond - Doing Violence Upon God
- Almond - Honesty of the Perflexed
- Almond - How Not to Deconstruct a Dominican
- Almond - Islam Melancholy and Sad Concrete Minarets
- Almond - Leibniz Historicism and the Plague of Islam
- Almond - Meaning of Infinity in Sufi and Deconstructive Hermeneutics
- Almond - Mullahs Mystics Moderates and Moghuls
- Almond - The Shackles of Reason
- Altrocchi - Dante and Tufail
- Amanze - Islam in Botswana During the Colonial Period
- Anderson - Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior
- Anderson - Gunter Grass and The Tin Drum
- Andrews - Imagining the Middle East by Thierry Hentsch
- Anson - Intermittent Fasting
- Antliff - Fascism, Modernism, and Modernity
- Apple - Education markets and An Audit Culture
- Arabic For Religious Devotion.xlsx
- Arana - A Social Survey on the Effects of Environmental Noise on the Residents of Pamplona Spain
- Ardizzone - Such fine families - Photography and race in the work of Caroline Bond Day
- Arnds - On the Awful German Fairy Tale
- Arnds - Representation Subversion and Eugenics in Günter Grass's The Tin Drum (review)
- Arrunada - Specialization and Rent Seeking in Moral Enforcement-The Case of Confession
- Arthur - Doom and Expertise
- Asad - Is Critique Secular
- Atterton - A God Problem
- Austin - Zen and the Brain-18
- Austin - Zen and the Brain-3
- Aydin - Changing Modes of Political Dialogue Across the Middle East and East Asia 1880-2010
- Azmat - Iqbal’s Conception of Religion
- BaHammam - Qur’anic insights into sleep
- Bailey - Control and desire-The issue of identity in popular discourses of addiction
- Baker - Nazism and the Petit Bourgeois Protagonist
- Bamyeh - Hermeneutics against Instrumental Reason
- Barak - Sex, Guys, and Cyberspace
- Bartholomew-Shariah in Singapore
- Bashiardes - The microbiome in anti-cancer therapy
- Bellver - Al-Ghazali of al-Andalus - Ibn Barrajan, Mahdism, and the Emergence of Learned Sufism on the Iberian Peninsula
- Benjamin - Storyteller
- Benjamin - The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
- Berggren-Engineer of the Psyche
- Beydoun - Rrduced Away-From-Home Food Expenditure
- Beyong Orientalism - Displacements of Essentialism in Study Islam
- Bhabha - The Location of Culture
- Bisaha - Petrarchs Vision of the Muslim and Byzantine East
- Blomster - Demonic in History
- Bonnett - Geography Race and Whiteness-Invisible Traditions and Current Challenges
- Borrower Certification and Authorization
- Bouma - Calvinism in American Theology Today
- Bourne - The Handicapped
- Bourne - Trans-National America
- Bowie - Muslim-Jewish Relations_19th
- Breiannis - Message to the White Man in America
- Brenner and Last - The Role of Language in West African Islam
- Brockopp - Early Islamic Jurisprudence
- Brockopp - Ibn Abd al-Hakam
- Brockopp - Mosque Library Kairouan
- Brooks - The Chinese import ban and its impact on global plastic waste trade
- Brown - Critical Rigor vs. Juridical Pragmatism How Legal Theorists and Hadith Scholars
- Brown - Denominational Differences in Support for Race-Based Policies Among White Black Hispanic and Asian Americans
- Brown - Did the Prophet Say It or Not
- Bullivant - Germans as Victims
- Burdette - Hooking Up at College-Does Religion Make a Difference
- C. S. Lewis Onstage - The Most Reluctant Convert (The New Yorker 2017-3-20)
- Calvert - The First Amendment the Media and the Culture Wars_ Eight Import
- Cambre - Computer Anxiety
- Caplan - Relations Among Loneliness, Social Anxiety, and Problematic Internet Use
- Carpenter - Developments in the Philosophy of Technology in America
- Chase Bliss Audio - Dark World Instructions
- Chepesiuk - Decibel Hell
- Clarkson - Pornography Addiction and the Medicalization of Free Speech
- Classical Arabic-Core Problem Transcript
- Clifford - identity_politics
- Clifford - Indigenous Articulations
- Clifford - Rearticulating Anthropology
- Clifford - Traditional Futures
- Clifford - Varieties of Indigenous Experience
- Cooper - Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity-The Journal of Treatment & Prevention
- Cornell - Reasons Public and Divine - Liberal Democracy Shari a Fundamentalism and the Epistemological Crisis of Islam
- Crowley - A Teacher's Introduction to Deconstruction
- Cunliffe - Aspects of the Absurd in Günter Grass
- Cushman - Morality- Don’t be afraid – Science Can Make Us Better
- Dallmayr - Civilization and World Order
- Daston - When Science Went Modern
- Deaton - Mortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century
- Deeb - Al-Jurjani's Classification of Isti'ara with Special Reference to Aristotle
- Deroche - The codex Parisino-petropolitanus and the hijazi scripts
- Dodge - al-Azhar
- Drengson - Toward a Philosophy of Appropriate Technology
- Dunlosky - Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques- Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology
- Dupree - Influence of the Past
- Dupree - Role of Technology in Society and the Need For Historical Perspective
- Dutton - Amal vs Hadith Sadl al-Yadayn
- Dutton - Intro Ibn Rushd Bidayat al-Mujtahid
- Dutton - Reflections on the Vocalisation of Early Qur'anic Manuscripts Part 1
- Dutton - Reflections on the Vocalisation of Early Qur'anic Manuscripts Part 2
- Effects of MP3 Compression on Perceived Emotional Characteristics in Musical Instruments
- el-Zein - The Search for the Anthropology of Islam
- Elazar - From Statism to Federalism - A Paradigm Shift
- Elmore - Personal Study
- Euben - Comparative Political Theory-An Islamic Fundamentalist Critique of Rationalism
- Euben - Premodern, Antimodern or Postmodern? Islamic and Western Critiques of Modernity
- Fatal Narratives
- Ferguson - Meaning and the External World
- Fierro - The Polemic about the karamat al-awliya' and the Development of Sufism in al-Andalus
- Firearm Safety Certificate Study Guide
- Fisher - Core Principles of Cognitive Behavior Therapy
- Fisher - Internet Pornography-A Social Psychological Perspective on Internet Sexuality
- Fortier - Methods for Transmitting Islamic Knowledge in Mauritania
- Garrett-Goodyear - The Rapture of Endless Approximiation - The Role of the Narrator in Pnin
- Garroutte - Religiosity and Spiritual Engagement in Two American Indian Populations
- Gatling - The Guide after Rumi-Tradition and its Foil in Tajik Sufism
- Gelley - Art and Reality in Die Blechtrommel
- Gelley - The Represented World - Toward a Phenomenological Theory of Description in the Novel
- Ghaly - Writings on Disability in Islam
- Glazer - Passage From Arab Grammer - Glazer
- Goldberg - Racisms Without Racism
- Goldstein - Feminist Themes in French Utopian Socialism
- Gomberg - Patriotism Is like Racism
- Gomez-Perez - Young Men and Islam in the 1990s-Rethinking an Intergenerational Perspective
- Gottheil - Origin and History of the Minaret
- Graham - Traditional Islam
- Greed - Religion and Sustainable Urban Planning
- Green - Conversation with Josephine Harreld Love - Reminiscences of Times Past
- Green - Niebuhr's Critique of Rationalism
- Greenspun - Audio Analysis VI-Testing Audio Cables
- Griffel - What Do We Mean By Salafi
- Guj - Loss of the Self - La selva oscura of Mr Palomar
- Guomundsdottir - A Phonological Phonetic and Sociolinguistic Approach
- Gygax - The Excellent Prismatic Spray - Volume1 Issue 2
- Habib - Questionings within Religious Thought-The Experience of Islam
- Hall - A Different Drummer - The Tin Drum Film and Novel
- Hallaq - On the Authoritativeness of Sunni Consensus
- Hallaq - Was the Gate of Ijtihad Closed
- Halloran - Modernization model for Islamic nations | The Japan Times
- Hanley - When Did Egyptians Stop Being Ottomans
- Harvie - Intermittent Fasting
- Hasan - Argument for the Authority of Ijma
- Hasan - Comparative Study of Ijma
- Hasan - Concept of Infallibility in Islam
- Hasan - Critique of Qiyas Continued
- Hasan - Critique of Qiyas
- Hasan - Definition of Qiyas
- Hasan - Definition of Sabab and Its Kinds in Islamic Jurisprudence
- Hasan - Early Modes of Ijtihad
- Hasan - Ijma - An Integrating Force in the Muslim Community
- Hasan - Ijma In the Early Schools
- Hasan - Justification of Qiyas
- Hasan - Methods of Finding the Cause of Legal Injunction in Islamic Jurisprudence
- Hasan - Modern Trends in Ijma
- Hasan - Modes of Reasoning in Legal Cause
- Hasan - Origins of the Early Schools of Law
- Hasan - Political Role of Ijma
- Hasan - Principle of Istihsan
- Hasan - Principle of Qiyas in Islamic Law
- Hasan - Qur'an The Primary Source of Fiqh
- Hasan - Rationality of Islamic Legal Injunctions
- Hasan - Sources of Fiqh
- Hasan - Sources of Islamic Law
- Hasan - Subject Matter of Qiyas
- Hasan - Sunnah - Its Early Concept and Development
- Hasan - Sunnah as a Source of Fiqh-1
- Hasan - Sunnah as a Source of Fiqh
- Hasan - Theory of Naskh
- Hawes - Postmodernism and Power:Control
- Hayler - The Extent of Text-Producing Meaning Beyond Intuition
- Hazlett-Stevens - Relaxation
- Hedstrom - Book Culture and the Rise of Liberal Religion
- Helf - Psychoanalysis Shapes Consumer Culture
- Henkel - Location of Islam
- Herschbach - Technoloyg As Knowledge
- Hill - Higher Education as Moral Community-Institutional Influences on Religious Participation During College
- Hill - Making a Pilgrimage for Life
- Hindes - Rationality and Modern Society
- Hooker - Islam and Islamic Legal History in Southeast Asia
- Hoover - Islamic Universalism
- Horne - Intermittent Fasting
- Hoskins - Purity Soul Food and Sunni Islam-Explorations at the Intersection of Consumption and Resistance
- Houston - Sherman A. Jackson and the Possibility of a “Blackamerican Muslim” Prophetic Pragmatism
- How To Write A Literary Analysis Essay
- Hughley - Cinethetic Racism White Redemption
- Hunter Nedelisky - Where New Science of Morality Goes Wrong
- Hunwick - The Arabic Literary Tradition of Nigeria
- Ibrahim - Oaths in the Qur'an - Bint al-Shati's Literary Contribution
- Ihde - Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived
- Imamuddin - Islam in Balearic Islands
- Institutions and Rationality in Politics
- Iwaki - An American Collection of Western Poems and the Early Career of Ishikawa Takuboku
- Jackson - A Defense of Tolerance
- Jackson - al-Jahiz On Translation
- Jackson - Alchemy of Domination
- Jackson - Between Preachers and Warriors
- Jackson - Domestic Terrorism
- Jackson - Fiction and Formalism - Towards A Functional Analysis of Usul al-Fiqh
- Jackson - From Prophetic Actions
- Jackson - Islam and Affirmative Action
- Jackson - Islamic Law and the State
- Jackson - Islamic Law Public Policy
- Jackson - Jihad and the Modern World
- Jackson - Kamali Freedom of Expression in Islam
- Jackson - Kramer vs. Kramer
- Jackson - Legal Pluralism
- Jackson - Legal Scaffolding
- Jackson - Literalism Empricisism and Induction
- Jackson - Muslim and Islamic Law and Sociopolitical Reality in US
- Jackson - Politically Speaking - Who Am I And What Do I Want As An American Muslim
- Jackson - Politically Speaking Who Am I And What Do I Want As An American Muslim
- Jackson - Primacy of Domestic Politics
- Jackson - Response to Vinicent Cornell
- Jackson - Review - Freedom of Expression
- Jackson - Setting the Record Straight
- Jackson - The Affects of Liberalism Secularism and Atheism on the American Mosque
- Jackson - The Alchemy of Domination
- Jacober - Does Adolescence Lead To Capitalism
- Japan’s Colonialism and Indonesia
- Jarullah - al-Jurjani's Contribution to Arabic Literature
- Jonas - Toward a Philosophy of Technology
- Junco - In-class multitasking and academic performance
- Jung - Islam As A Problem Religion
- Kalberg - Weber's Types of Rationality
- Katz - Poverty and Policy in American History
- Keane - Yeat's Counter Enlightenment
- Kee - "Postmodern" Thinking and the Status of the Religious
- Khalifa - Creating Spaces for Urban Youth
- Knecht - Rice Representations and Reality
- Kobayashi - Racism Out of Place
- Konieczny - Sacred Places, Domestic Spaces-Material Culture Church and Home
- Konrad - From the Turkish Menace to Exoticism and Orientalism Islam as Antithesis of Europe
- Kopanski - Islam in Italy and in its Libyan Colony
- Koshy - Morphing Race into Ethnicity - Asian Americans and Critical Transformations of Whiteness
- Krimmer - Ein Volk von Opfern - Germans as Victims in Günter Grass’s Die Blechtrommel and Im Krebsgang
- Kring - Generation Text Goes to College
- Kruk - Hayy Ibn Yaqzan Robinson Crusoe
- Kühn - Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption
- Kuttner - Russian Jad_dism and the Islamic World
- La Bare - Future Wrapped in That Mysterious Japanese Way
- Lanuza - Youthful Atheism and Self-Stylization
- Lapidus - State and Religion in Islamic Societies
- Larkin - Al-Jurjani's Theory of Discourse
- Larkin - The Inimitability of the Qur'an - Two Perspectives
- Launay - Beyond the Stream
- Lecker - Zayd B. Thabit - A Jew with Two Sidelocks - Judaism and Literacy in Pre-Islamic Medina
- Lenoble - Founding Myths in Legal Rationality
- Levy - One Linear Mile-Towards a more hospitable architecture
- Linker - From Kant to Schelling-Counter-Enlightenment in the Name of Reason
- Linksys WRT54 Wireless Router Manual
- Lipsitz - Possessive Investment
- Locke - Constructing the Oriental Other-Saens
- Lucas - The Legal Principles of Muhammad B. Ism___l Al-Bukh_r_ and Their Relationship to Classical
- Ludden - Birth and the Mother in Materialist Feminist Philosophy and Contemporary German Texts
- Lundervold - Harry Potter and the Different Accents
- Lyndon - Writing Trans-Saharan History- Methods, Sources and Interpretations Across the African Divide
- Machery - Two Dogmas of Neo-Empiricism
- MacIntyre - The Virtue of Tradition
- Mailer - White Negro
- Makdisi - Scholasticism and Humanism in Classical Isalm and Christian West
- Malinovich - Americanization of Islam in the Contemporary United States
- Manela - Race Civilizatrion and Internation Society
- Marcell - Charles Beard-Civilization and the Revolt Against Empiricism
- Martin - Japan – To what extent did the Meiji Restoration lead a secularising agenda
- Masud - Abu Ishaq Shatibi His Life and Works
- Masud - Recent Studies of Shatibis al-Muwafaqat
- Masumi - Ibn Hazms Allegations Against the Leading Imams
- Mayhew - In Defense of Modernity - Talcott Parsons and the Utilitarian Tradition
- McDougall - Becoming Sinless-Converting to Islam in the Christian Solomon Islands
- McKenna - Relationship Formation on the Internet-What’s the Big Attraction?
- McKinnon - Opium as Dialectics of Religion-Metaphor, Expression and Protest
- McLean - Dragons and Dice
- Melchert - Ibn Mujahid and the Establishment of Seven Qur'anic Readings
- Meuter- The influence of technology anxiety on consumer use and experiences with self-service technologies
- Mills - Racial Liberalism
- Millward - Aspects of Modernism in Shia Islam
- Mir - Elephants Birds of Prey and Heaps of Pebbles
- Missbach - Mental imagery and food consumption
- Moeller - The shrinking human gut microbiome
- Montgomery - The Metaphysical Umar
- Muhammad - No Racial Barrier Left to Break (Except All of Them)
- Müller - Eurocentrism, Human Rights, and Humanism
- Münzel - Cardiovascular effects of environmental noise exposure
- Mushaf al-Madina and the King Fahd Holy Qur'an Printing Complex
- Nafi - Tasawwuf and Reform in Pre-Modern Islamic Culture
- Nakamura - Imam Ghazali's Cosmology - Jabarat
- Nasr - On the Question of Biological Origins
- Nichols - How America Lost Faith in Expertise
- Nieuwenhuijze - Religion vs. Science in Islam
- Noor - Islam and Sleep - Pages-from-2WCII-SI2-117
- Norton - The Myth of the Counter-Enlightenment
- Novak - Gothic Fiction and the Grotesque
- Obiedat - Defining the Good in the Quran
- OConnell - Fine-Tuning of a Golden Ear-High-End Audio and the Evolutionary Model of Technology
- Offenhuber - Putting Matter in Place
- Ogunnaike - Inception and Ibn Arabi
- Olson - Whiteness and the Polarization of American Politics
- Olster - Inconstant Harmony In The Tin Drum
- Ozdemir - The Concept of Islamic Tradition in Fazlur Rahman’s Thought
- Papas - Toward a New History of Sufism The Turkish Case
- Patel - Whoever Imitates a People Becomes One of Them-A Hadith and its Interpreters
- Peczenik - Moral and Ontological Justification of Legal Reasoning
- Petts - Trajectories of Religious Participation from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
- Pirog - An Annotated Bibliography On Structural Racism In The US Food System-4th Edition
- Poskocil - Encounters between Blacks and White Liberals
- Pryor - Origins of the Commenda Contract
- Quindlen - The Past Is Another Country
- Quine - Two Dogmas of Empiricism
- Rabb - Non-Canonical Readings of the Qur'an
- Raeder - Mill’s Religion of Humanity-Consequences and Implications
- Rayson - George Schuyler-Paradox Among "Assimilationist" Writers
- Reform in Finance- Riba vs. Interest in the Modern Economy
- Religion of the Kharijites is Alien to Islam
- Richards - Fast Food Addiction and Market Power
- Richeimer - How Philosophy Lost Perceptual Expertise
- Riedlmayer - Erasing the Past The Destruction of Libraries and Archives in Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Rippin - Reception of Euro-American Scholarship on the Qur_an and Tafsir
- Robinson - Beyond Nation-State Paradigms
- Robinson - Technology and Religious Change Islam and the Impact of Print
- Robson - The Transmission of Abu Dawud's Sunan
- Rokeach - The Nature and Meaning of Dogmatism
- Rubin - Al-Walad li-l-Firash on the Islamic Campaign against Zina
- Rutledge - Futurist Fiction and Fantasy The Racial Establishment
- Rutledge - Speaking in Tongues
- Safi - Development-trends
- Safran - Rules of Purity and Confessional Boundaries - Maliki Debates about the Pollution of the
- Saint-Blancat - Islam in Diaspora - Between Reterritorialization and Extraterritoriality
- Salisbury - Do Animals Go to Heaven
- Salomon - The Salafi critique of Islamism
- Salvatore - Beyond Orientalism
- Sarles - An Epistolary Exchange
- Satel - In Praise of Stigma
- Schneider - Imprisonment in Pre-Classical and Classical Islamic Law
- Seesemann - The Takfir Debate Part 1
- Seidman - Modernity and the Problem of Meaning
- Shah - Early Arabic Grammarians' Contributions to the Collection and Authentication of Qur'anic Readings
- Shanklin - Profession of the Color Blind
- Shariati - Marxism and other western fallacies
- Sharpin - Invisible Science
- Shaw - Two Types of Liberalism
- Shusterman - Art and Religion
- Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
- Sirry - al-Qasami-Salafi-Sufism
- Skowronek - Racism Liberalism and the American Political Tradition
- Slocombe - Postmodern Nihilism - Theory and Literature
- Slovic - Imagery, Affect, and Decision Making
- Smith - What Is Metaphysical Poetry
- Snell - What Difference Does Youth Group Make-A Longitudianl Analysis of Religious Youth Group Participation
- Southgate - Negative Images of Blacks in Some Medieval Iranian Writings
- Spann - Disparate Impact
- Springen - An Angelic Autumn
- Stebbins - The Semiotic Self and Serious Leisure
- Steig - Defining the Grotesque - An Attempt at Synthesis
- Stein - Ideology in the Study of American Racism Ethnicity and Poverty
- Stewart - First Shaykh Safavid
- Stikkers - The Spirit of Capitalism and the Caribbean Slave Trade
- Swingline 39005 Heavy Duty Stapler
- Szabados - On 'Moral Expertise'
- Tachibana - A Study in Convergence
- Tamarkin - Black Anglophilia or The Sociability of Antislavery
- Tate - In Praise of Shadow Boxers
- Taylor - Dungeons and Dragons in African American Art Research
- Tebble - Exclusion for Democracy
- Teubner - Substantive-Reflexive
- Thmopson - Unmaking the Motor City in the Age of Mass Incarceration
- Toledano - Sijilmasi's Manual of Maghribi Amal
- Tolson — The Hedgehog Review [Letter From The Editor]
- Trouillot - North Atlantic Universals
- Turner - Reconsidering Jihad
- Twohig - Skills Training
- Vaghefi - Spirituality and Brain Waves
- Vasalou - The Miraculous Eloquence of the Qur'an - General Trajectories and Individual Approaches
- Veenhoven - Has modernisation gone too far?
- Vinding - Challenged pragmatism-Conflicts of religion and law in the Danish labour market
- Vonalt - Barbaric, Mystical, Bored
- Waardendurg - Islam Higher Learning
- Weiss - Muslims in Hong Kong
- White - Fiat Money Inflation in France-AAPX
- Wierzbicka - Japanese Key Words and Core Cultural Values
- Willhelm - Black-White Equality An Economic Doctrine for White Supremacy Part 1
- Willson - Grotesque Everyman
- Willson - The Grotesque Everyman in Günter Grass's Die Blechtrommel
- Wilson - Techno-euphoria-and-the-discourse-of-the-american-sublime
- Wolf-Power - Information Technology and Urban Labor Markets in the United States
- Wolf-Powers - Food Deserts and Real-Estate-Led Social Policy
- Wolf-Powers - Growing Food to Grow Cities
- Wood - Reflections of Mr Palomar and Mr Cogito
- Wood - The Reflections of Mr Palomar and Mr Cogito - Italo Calvino and Zbigniew Herbert
- Yarros - Socialism and Individualism in Evolution
- Yusuf - Climbing Mount Purgatorio
- Yusuf - Who Are the Disbelievers
- Zayd - The Dilemma of the Literary Approach to the Qur'an

In addition to my book reading list, I also have a big (mostly electronic) stack of articles that I'm also reading.